Learning and Growing

Discipleship is core to John Wesley UMC’s ministry. In our life together as church family and in our personal lives, Celebrating, Connecting, Developing, Sharing and Serving are the keys to a well-rounded relationship with Jesus.

LEARNING…. There are opportunities for learning every Sunday and throughout the week. Classes for young people and the young at heart!

  • Children’s and Youth Sunday School Classes:  Take a look at what’s happening with our children and youth. All volunteers who work with our children and youth have met the conditions adopted in our Safe Sanctuaries Policy.
  •  Adult Sunday School Opportunities:
    • Heavenly Living Workshop – a combination in person and zoom opportunity for adults focused on interesting studies and lively discussion.  This study is currently a part of the Wednesday Night Alive worship.
    • Wesleyan Class – is an adult, Bible-based, Christ-focused Sunday school class which utilizes the “Adult Bible Studies” series, a United Methodist-approved curriculum used by over 400,000 students and teachers each week.
  • Bible Study:  Bible study and other learning opportunities are ongoing at John Wesley. If you are interested in finding an in-depth study of God’s word please contact the church office.  There is a fall and a spring Zoom study that runs from 2:30 pm until 3:30 pm on Thursdays.

GROWING… “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:20)  Listed below are some of the many groups in the life of John Wesley UMC who give of their time and talents to share God’s love with a world in need:

KIDS AND CHRIST: Recommit to teaching in 21st-century church