Holly Place

Holly Place is a non-profit assisted living home for the elderly, located at 268 South Potomac Street in Hagerstown, which relies heavily on donations.  It was organized to serve those who cannot afford commercial assisted living and have no other place to go. Some residents have no income other than Social Security and some have no family remaining. Holly Place serves 15 residents in a clean, safe and homelike environment. The Mission of Holly Place is to provide affordable housing and supportive services in an environment that promotes independence and dignity.

 I was hungry and you gave me
something to eat.”  
(Matthew 25:35)


We have designated the first Sunday of the month to be  HOLLY PLACE SUNDAY and ask that everyone bring ONE can of food or pantry item.  Baskets will be on either side of the front of the church to collect your item(s). Donations may also be left anytime in the baskets just inside the ramp doors.  Let’s do all we can to help the less fortunate elderly have a nutritious meal!