Christmas Caroling to Shut Ins

Christmas caroling to our shut ins normally takes place the third Sunday in December.  At 5:00 p.m. we gather in the Social Hall to collect our song books, break off into groups and get our list of destinations.  We try to get to as many nursing homes and shut ins as we can to spread some Christmas cheer to those who are unable to get to church.  You don’t have to be a singer, just someone who wants to share in the joy of the season. It’s a beautiful thing to see the faces of the elderly light up and sing along to their favorite Christmas hymns and carols.  “Silent Night” may put everyone in a reflective mood, but a rollicking rendition of “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer” brings out the kid in us all!  After a few hours of caroling, we meet back in the Social Hall for a time of sharing, hot chocolate and a snack.




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