Children’s Choir


If you have kids or grandkids who are elementary school age or younger, we welcome you to bring them on Sunday mornings. You do not need to be active members of our congregation. Just bring the kids regularly to rehearsals and we will get them involved in singing and making music.  Our children’s choir sings periodically from September through June.

Childrens-Choir-bannerElementary school children will meet in the Chapel on Sunday mornings at 9:00 until around  9:15 a.m. for music time with Mr. Stephen and Miss Sheila. After music they will go to their classroom for Sunday School until 10:00 a.m.  Preschoolers will first meet in their preschool classroom at 9:00 a.m. and then later in the hour will move to the Chapel for music with Mr. Stephen and Miss Sheila.

The children’s choir members will also have an opportunity to participate in a Children’s Hand-Chime Choir. They will begin with kid’s bells that are new to our church’s instrument collection and “graduate” into the hand chimes that the adults use. This should be a wonderful opportunity for the kids to learn more about music fundamentals and playing with instruments in addition to singing.