John Wesley’s Stained Glass Gallery

The Sanctuary of John Wesley UMC is graced with ten stained glass windows, five on each side flanking the nave, a 14′ x 18′ Rose window in the center balcony, and six Trinity windows in the cathedral ceiling. Click on the windows to view a full size image…

Window #1 depicts the birth of our Lord in the lower section, while John and Charles Wesley are shown in the upper section. This window was presented by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Wynand in memory of Mrs. Charles E. Lewis. Window #6 shows Jesus with The Woman at the Well, and John St. Church in New York and Barretts Chapel in Delaware, two of the oldest Methodist Churches in America. It is in memory of Samuel E. and Mary S. Bailey and Family and was given by the estate of Edward A. and Lelo M. Bailey.
Window #2 provides images of the Holy Family’s flight into Egypt, Epworth Rectory (birth place of the Wesleys), and Susannah Wesley teaching her children. This window was given in memory of Emma Virginia Brandt. Window #7 pictures Jesus Christ and the Children, and Sam’s Creek Log Meeting House and Lovely Lane Church in Baltimore, the mother church of Methodism. It is in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Ruse, by their children, Mrs. Doris R. Griffin and Jack J. Ruse.
Window #3 pictures the boy Jesus in the Temple on the left-hand pane and the Oxford group on the right, with John Wesley preaching out of doors in the upper sections. The King Memorial Window was presented by Mrs. Laura C. King. Window #8 is the Last Supper window, while panels show the church in which St. Paul’s first met and the Jonathan St. Church, the immediate predecessor of this building. In loving memory of Laura C. King.
Window #4 features the Baptism of Jesus and the sending of Francis Asbury to America. It was given in memory of Virginia C. R. Wyand and was presented by her husband, Mr. O. J. Wyand. Window #9 is the Gethsemene window, while Bishops Edwin H. Hughes and William F. McDowell are shown above it. These men were leaders in helping to make possible Methodist unification. It is in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kountz and daughter Dorothy Elizabeth and was presented by Edward A. and Lelo M. Bailey.
Window #5 portrays the First Miracle of Jesus, and Robert Strawbridge – first local preacher in America – and Frances Asbury, the Prophet of the Long Road. It is in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Beachley and was presented by Miss Catherine Beachley, Dr. J. Hanson Beachley and Dr. Ralph G. Beachley. Window #10 is the Resurrection window. The top panels show Bishop James H. Straughn and James M. Moore of the other two Methodist Churches joining in unification. It was presented by Mr. and Mrs. Hubert A. Mullen as a symbol of their faith and as a beacon to their children.